Saturday, May 7, 2011

Earthquake, Tsunami, .... man, I've got to go!

So, I do have some blog-posts milling around in my head, and I'm so frustrated that I have not been able to stick it down on paper (mmm... punch it in on a screen.  Is that the right description these days? )  But Jesus has had a whole new thing in his mind.  This post is basically about that.

The first thing that probably comes to your mind at this point in time when I say :"Japan" is probably Nuclear crisis.  Well, fair enough, but lets not forget that there are tens of thousands of people still living in School Gyms all across north eastern Japan.  These people aren't being affected by the Nuclear plant, but rather, the place they used to call home does not exit anymore.  There are literally thousands of houses waiting to be rebuilt, and most importantly, millions of aching broken hearts, weeping over their loss, and really needing some hope.

When people say "they lost everything," I think it doesn't quite encompass enough.  Think about it, the first thing you may think about is their earthly possessions. But the fact is, houses can be rebuilt, cars are probably insured, and cities will get to reorganize their streets as they rebuild.  What is not being addressed in the news is that there are so many crushed hearts.

In the numerous video's posted on Youtube,  you can hear the screams and groans in the background as the big wall of water comes and flushes away a town. The comments people are making are cries of help that reaches spiritual levels.  They are pleading to something to stop the water. I can't stop but thinking that their heart was flushed out together with their cities and communities.

I believe God is imploring his followers to get down to the nitty-gritty, and be muddied to the neck.  Both literally and spiritually.  I heard this call after a week of seeing the tragedy unfold on the news.  I had to go.  I could not deny it. It seemed so impossible, but as time passed I realized that I was supposed to be in this battle.  Not to just join and give money to people who are called.

A month later, its been a hard time for me waiting for the right time, but in a couple of days, its that time. I'm going. I will be working with an organization called CRASH (  They come alongside local churches in affected areas to be the light in the broken world around them. I am so excited for this opportunity!  Its amazing!  My plan is that I'll be back in 2 months.

All that to say, maybe some of you are reading this, and know that you are supposed to be apart of my journey, and I would love to let you in on it. I need people around me to keep me accountable.  I need to spend every day fully stepping into this plans.  There are a couple of ways to journey with me on this one:

>Follow me on Twitter!  I'll probably not have much time for emails and blogs, but I'm planning to update my folks about what I'm doing, and what God is doing there.
>Encourage me! :)  If you really do care about this stuff, let me know!  I'll try to keep you updated in how you can help, and how you can pray for me while I'm in Japan.
>CASH!  hahahah... I'm not afraid to ask y'all.  I'm not gonna have any income for these 2 months, and obviously there will be expenses. Will I be in trouble if nobody wants to help me out financially? No, but it is a big sacrifice for me, and I think some of you know that you want to share in that sacrifice.  You can empower me and put your heart out there through me. I literally feel empowerment every time I receive gifts, because it is a tangible thing that lets me know that this person really does care, and they're willing to sacrifice for it.

With all that said, I realize I'm leaving in just a few days. If you can't meet me up, I've set this nifty little thing online where you can give straight to my bank account.
Here's the link:


  1. So love how you love our Jesus! Will be praying for you! What an incredible opportunity to 'be Jesus' to so many!

  2. Paul, we`re with you the whole way,in prayer,and supporting you in other ways. Go for it, in the name of, and with the compassion of Jesus! MOM


Be nice! Encourage me :)